I will be retiring from my gynecology practice. My last day to see patients will be 12/12/24.

New Patient Forms


New Patient Forms

In order to save time at your appointment, we provide all new patient paperwork below for your convenience. We need these forms back before your appointment. Dr Williams likes to review them before your appointment and we need to enter in your medical history data into our Electronic medical record. All this takes time and if your forms aren't in, it increases your wait times. We need all five (5 ) forms completed before you can be seen by Dr Williams. If your forms aren't completed in time, we may have to reschedule your appointment.

Here are the ways you can return them:

Mail: Fred Wiliams, M.D. 1900 FM 195, Paris, Texas 75462

Physically drop them by the office.

Fax: 903 784 7405

Email: fawilliams45@live.com

➣ Patient Information Form

This form allows you to provide us with personal information, including contact details and emergency contacts.

➣ New Patient History Form

This form is intended to collect important medical history so that we are best able to treat you and your unique needs.

➣ Notice of Privacy Practices

This form acknowledges that you have read and understand our privacy practices.

➣ General Consent for Treatment

This form authorizes us to perform the medical treatments necessary to address any issues for which you are seeking care.

➣ Intake History

This is a summary of your medical and surgical history including your allergies, medications, childbirth history, and more.

➣ Patient Authorization to Use or Disclose Protected Health Information

In the event you would like to release medical records to others, such as parents or spouses, this form allows you to authorize us to do so.

Click to Download New patient Packet


Fred A. Williams, MD
1900 Farm Road, #195
Paris, TX 75462
Phone: 903-345-3473
Fax: 903-784-7405

Office Hours

Get in touch
